SKU: ABCD-1-9-1

Chem-Sphere Chemical Storage Tank

Chemical Storage MADE SIMPLE

Chem-Sphere Chemical Storage Tanks are ideal for a wide range of chemical storage applications. Manufactured to any volume and chemical requirements, Chem-Sphere Tanks are available in vertical or horizontal configurations. Structurally designed for above ground or underground installation, Chem-Sphere Tanks can also be supplied to mitigate extreme site conditions or hazards, such as temperature, wind, and earthquakes.


Chem-Sphere tanks are designed as a twin walled fibreglass structure with an integrated lattice mesh between the two skins. This structure makes Chem-Sphere tanks incredibly strong but relatively light, making them easy to manoeuvre and install. Where the construction of full bund retention basins is not possible, the Chem-Sphere double walled tanks provide a great option.