Recycling Class B from an existing WWTP, this new plant treats up to 2.6ML per day of effluent to Class A, for irrigation use on a new nearby golf course, and to supply irrigation water to farmers in the area…
Protex Water recently installed an all new irrigation and filtration system at the renowned and picturesque Flinders Golf Course. This has provided a dramatic improvement in water management capability and irrigation control for the Golf Course.
We supplied one of our acclaimed Elementz sewage treatment plants, featuring twin Sequencing Batch Reactors to St Huberts vineyard…
Solution for removing sediment from rock crushing return water stream, using our Winnow Vortex Grit Separators…
Protex Water installed a comprehensive stormwater management system that can harvest and treat the stormwater, then store and distribute it across the entire site…
Protex Water was contracted to provide a comprehensive upgrade to the Victoria Golf Course Irrigation System and maintain it into the future…