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WATER Treatment PlantS

Water Treatment Plants For Major Hire Company

We recently completed 4 Elementz Water Treatment Plants for Pinnacle Hire, neatly packaged within 20ft containers. Using a core of Multimedia Filtration (MMF) the plants were specifically designed to treat site run off water during rain events, including the removal of iron and heavy metals via DMI-65 media. The influent water is then dosed with Chlorine for oxidation and Caustic/Acid for pH adjustment, and to maintain the system at optimum filtration condition.

The plant boosts a user-friendly Control Panel with colour HMI touch screen interface, providing data and fault logging, and installed with remote monitoring allowing offsite control. The system also has a series of uses motorised 3-way valves to change from service filtration mode to backwash mode for easy long-term maintenance and reliability.

Able to be used in a range of scenarios, such as treating ground water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water or wastewater, this system provides Pinnacle Hire with flexibility of application and operational control.

Treated water from this Elementz system can be held in onsite storage tanks, used for irrigation, transported for offsite disposal or discharged to stormwater, depending on local regulations.

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