Travel about 140 km west around the coast from Darwin and you’ll find the Dundee Beach Caravan Park, located directly adjacent to the picturesque Dundee Beach. The Park offers a touch of comfort within this stunning semi-remote location, popular with 4wheel drive travelers, fishing enthusiasts and adventurous families alike.
To help the Caravan Park reduce its reliance on the town water supply, AKS was asked to design, manufacture, and commission a Class A treatment system, providing a daily flow rate of up to 50kL/day. The supplied Elementz MemPAK UF polishing plant was designed to meeting local Northern Territory Class A water recycling standards, treating water from the existing upstream septic effluent collection source, which was rated at Class C.
The plant uses a 5-stage filtration process for the removal of particles and sediment, improvement of taste colour and odour, followed by Ultrafiltration for polishing prior to UV Disinfection and Chlorine Dosing for the elimination of unwanted bacteria and viruses. The plant also boosts a user-friendly Control Panel with large colour HMI touch screen interface, providing data and fault logging, it’s also installed with remote monitoring allowing offsite control via a smart device.
Neatly packaged within a 20’ container, the Elementz plant uses advanced water quality monitoring and instrumentation to adjust treatment settings and maintain water quality.