We recently just completed the manufacture of a specialised Elementz MemPak, Class A effluent treatment plant to manage sewage from a Victorian Alpine Resort, with site works and plant installation programmed for completion this month.
The Elementz system utilises a 5-stage treatment train featuring a modified Bardenpho biological process, providing superior nitrogen and phosphorous removal. The equipment list includes, duty/standby rotary drum inlet screens, Mitsubishi submerged membranes, USEPA validated Viqua UV’s, Grundfos pumps, Endress & Hauser instrumentation, and an online Ammonia sensor.
The containers are housed in a purpose built shed, designed to local Alpine snow standards. Safe access to the process tank hatches is via a central stairway where the Roots style blowers, mixers, and automatic rotary drum screens are located. The right hand-side container houses the control system, which features advanced remote monitoring to provide offsite plant management.
Treated water is held in onsite storage tanks and used on demand to supplement the Resort’s toilet flushing and irrigation water use needs. AKS have also been engaged to supply an in-ground pumpstation, underground services and associated civil works.
Cleverly designed across two 40ft containers, the system operates a twin treatment train delivering a combined throughput of 100kL/day, and given the sensitive environmental location the treated discharge is reused for toilet flushing at the resort.