We’ve recently replaced an aging multimedia sand filter / BAC filter system with a new MMF potable water treatment plant, processing approximately 200kL per day for the Goomeri township in Queensland…
The new MMF system consists of 2 x AFM Vessels in parallel (duty/duty) and 4 x GAC vessels (2 x trains in parallel, 2 x GAC vessel in series per train). The GAC trains in normal filtration mode will run on a duty/duty basis similar to the AFM Vessels.
The AFM filters, receive raw water from the WTP Clarifier break tank which feeds an existing Ozone contact tank on site to further remove dirt and grime from the water. There are numerous advantages of glass Activated Filter Media (AFM) over traditional sand filters, such as its biofouling and bio-coagulation resistant properties.
From the Ozone contact tank, the process water will then be directed to the 2 x trains of BAC media vessels for further polishing to remove organics and any odour prior to downstream treatment on site via an existing UV & Chlorine dosing system.
The plant uses Vega Differential Pressure Transmitters, and a Prominent TUC6 Turbidity Sensor Transmitter. In addition, Electric Actuated 3-way Valves, and Butterfly Valves are used, allowing the system to interchange the between operating modes.